
[ 03/2022 ] Drones – Taking Centurion to New Heights

CAD Developer, Dave Olmsted is taking Centurion to new heights with drone photography! After rigorous amounts of training and studying he recently obtained his FAA Remote Pilot Certificate which allows him to venture out into aerial photography. Aerial photography is a new extension of his existing passion for photography and dark room techniques, photoshop, and graphic arts. He has also joined the Academy of Model Aviation (AMA) to further hone his skills as pilot, in his spare time.

Drone photography within the construction industry provides owners and stakeholders a different perspective of inspection and progress on their jobsites. The data provided from these new views allows us to more effectively problem solve and provide innovative solutions to reduce costs and risks while increasing productivity and workflow to stay on and ahead of schedule.

We love to go above & beyond at Centurion! We are grateful for Dave and the drones who can take us to the next level.

📸PC: Dave Olmsted, on location

[ 02/2022 ] Project Progress at Wolfgang Confectioners

Adding on… minus the head aches! As an industrial food process partner we understand the worries in the equation of building on to an existing structure. Being mindful of current operations and activities is a top priority. Thoughtful phasing and coordination zeros out these daily concerns.

Wolfgang Confectioners has been able to maintain business as usual while we forge ahead with this 5,000 sf packaging addition to their processing facility!

[ 01/2022 ] Christine Johnson – Administrative Assistant

Centurion is pleased to introduce the newest member of our team, Christine Johnson, fulfilling the role of administrative assistant.

Christine loves living and learning creatively. Her experience in education, non-profit administration, retail, and business development within the interior design industry has equipped her with a variety of skills and tools to problem solve through any challenge. She has directed and managed a wide range of projects and understands the importance of coordinating and completing the smaller tasks with excellence to accomplish a larger goal. She is passionate about design across all mediums and its ability to communicate a message and connect people. She enjoys working on a team and the collaborative process.